Why did my indicator not send a buy or a sell when the market price changed

MarketGod provides buy or sell alerts for users when a specific criteria has been met in the market. Price change to any percentage is not in the parameters for the alerts therefore does not always account for price changes

MarketGod shows a repainting warning when setting the alerts up

Since our indicator does not and will not repaint, its more than likely you've tried to set an alert on the strategy and not the indicator. Set the alert on the indicator to correct the issue.

I've Recently Purchased. My Indicator Access Is Still Locked?

Please be sure you have provided us with your username for Tradingview to add you to the tool. If you have, Please check you have refreshed your browser, and move on to the next step. If you have not, Please email us your order confirmation, along with your Tradingview username, to support@marketgod.io.MarketGod for Tradingview [strategy]

What time-frames does MarketGod trade on?

MarketGod v9 Recommendations BTCUSD Recommended Filter by Time Frame for Max Net Profit * 1D: 20 * 6H: 15 * 4H: 40 * 1H: 40 * 15m: 40 * 10m: 50 Recommended Filter by Time Frame for Max Percent Profitable * 1D: 20 * 6H: 5 * 4H: 50 * 1H: 35 * 15m: 50 * 10m: 40 * 5m: 50

How do I find the MarketGod Indicator on Tradingview?

From the homepage, click on ‘Chart’ in the top navigation bar. Select “Indicators” on the top-center-middle panel: In the indicator library, you will notice your tradingview account will now have a "invite only" section on the left-and side. The indicator and strategy will both be available to you. Tutorial: https://www.marketgod.io/tutorials/adding-marketgod

How do I upgrade my scripts?

If we have published an upgrade and you are looking to update your indicator, simply refresh the page and add indicator from the invite only section of your indicator library.

What Comes With My MarketGod Purchase?

MarketGod for Tradingview Includes the MarketGod for Tradingview Study and the MarketGod for Tradingview Strategy

Why are my alerts inaccurate?

Depending on the market you are trading, adjust the settings to correct any errors you are consistently seeing from the alerts.